Why study Russian ?


The Russian language is spoken by 280 million people in several countries, all the way to the Chinese borders.
It is a language that facilitates travel and tourism throughout Europe.
Russia is a very large territory, and most of the nearby countries have a large Russian-speaking population: Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia, etc.
Learning Russian opens the doors to all of Central Asia and its rich and fascinating culture.
Russia is a leading economic power, with enormous resources of rare earths, gas and raw materials, and a large part of the country, especially the immense Siberia, is still largely underexploited.
Trade with Russia affects all areas: import export, chemical industry, advanced industry (aerospace), but also luxury and food.
A good level of Russian is the essential condition to find job opportunities in Russia or in neighboring countries.
Languages ​​based on Russian are particularly sought after by recruiters from Central Asian countries.